Soon to be new tool at the space!

We just backed The ExtrusionBot on kickstarter. So once these puppies start shipping, we will be able to formulate our own filament for our 3d printer. Exciting news! Thanks to everyone who kicked in some cash towards this purchase!
Wrestling with Filament on your 3D Printer?
My Solidoodle 3 printer finally came in last week and I was able to pretty much plug it in and start printing. I immediately noticed that something needed to be done about the filament spool. With it being a new spool, the filament was just falling off at the slightest turn on the PVC holder which was really annoying because that meant I had to babysit it. So with a small filament holder I found on thingiverse and some old folders, I was able to come up with a solution that allows me to hit ‘print’ and then just walk away until my print is done.