Baltimore Drones Meetup at Baltimore Hackerspace!

Last week, Terry Kilby from Baltimore Drones stopped by Baltimore Hackerspace and he brought a couple of his Drones with him. I think it was the first time allot of us have seen Drones of this quality up close and they were just as exciting as I thought they would be. Both Drones were made to port a camera on the bottom of them and Terry said that he frequently contracts out the Drones for special camera work. Very cool!

To find out more about drones and how to get off the ground with them, The Baltimore Drones Meetup will be held at Baltimore Hackerspace, Saturday, February 9th at 1pm.

Here are some pics:

What’s going on tonight at open hack night, Jan 23rd.


Here’s what’s going on tonight:

If you have any silver coins that you could bring tonight for a coin acceptor project that’s being worked on, it would be appreciated. We promise to give them back.. =)
Look for our sign out front and see you tonight!

This Wednesday’s OpenHack

Here’s what’s going on this Wednesday at open hack night:

Hope to see you!


*** UPDATE ** added some pics from open hack night