Harford Hackerspace is a club with real people in real places. The idea behind this club is to recruit enough members in the local area of Harford County, Maryland (MD) that we can lease a commercial building and populated with all the tools you need to get your projects moving.
If it falls into the category of Mechanics, Electronics, Software, Science, or Technology then you are the perfect candidate to join our club. Robotics, Web Development, DNA Research, HAM Radio, and Your Car are all examples of types of projects we could be working on together as a team in a setting like no other.
The ideal Hackerspace location would be a commercial building with a garage, kitchen, several offices for computers and electronics, and a social lounge for speaches, presentations, classroom style learning, general socializing and networking, and PARTIES. It would also be nice to have a Bar but that’s just me dreaming.
So what do you think? Does this sound like something you would be interested in? If it does then contact me directly at info@harfordhackerspace.org