Electronica Fest
We’ll be at Electronica Fest.
You should come.
More details here.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
10:00 am – 8:45 pm
Live Music starts at 12 noon
1745 West Nursery Rd.
Linthicum, MD 21090
We’ll be at Electronica Fest.
You should come.
More details here.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
10:00 am – 8:45 pm
Live Music starts at 12 noon
1745 West Nursery Rd.
Linthicum, MD 21090
Betascape was this previous weekend and Harford Hackerspace was on hand with robots, lightning bug jars, and general awesomeness. We setup early Saturday morning between Baltimore Node and the First Lego League representatives. The day was spent forging various cardboard blades with crayons and stickers with various children blacksmiths quietly honing their craft. All in all we gave away approximately 50 swords to young lads and lasses who, no doubt, brought these mighty cardboard weapons to bear against a variety of fiends.
The previously mentioned Baltimore Node was there demonstrating various projects such as air powered rockets and some sort of power tool drag racing. Set up across from us was The Digital Media Center from Johns Hopkins demonstrating cloth circuitry and teaching others about cloth circuits. The National Electronics Museum was setup in the back with some kind of robot (which I did not see). Various other people included a company demonstrating a 3D picture taking technology, Bryan Dolge with a makerbot, as well of a bunch of gamemakers in the game making section.
Visit us at our RobotFest 2010 Table:
It’s come to my attention that everyone may not be aware of the upcoming events. So I thought I’d post about them. They are however posted on the calendar to the right for future reference! We hope to see you at the these events!
Timonium, MD
Maryland State Fairgrounds
2200 York Road
March 27, 2010 – Day 1 (6am-4pm)
March 28, 2010 – Day 2 (6am-2pm)
National Electronics Museum
1745 West Nursery Road
Linthicum, MD 21090
April 24 (10am-3pm)