Logo Dream Becomes Reality

I was day dreaming about this logo at work and I even used Paint to sketch the concept. As you can see the original idea included a capacitor and a resistor. I would still like to work some type of electronics or code into the image but my artistic abilities pretty much stop at what you see.
I am certainly open to new ideas. If you are an artist or simply good with computer graphics and would like to make us a nice vector graphic then by all means please do so. Feel free to simply improve this logo. About .001% of my computer skills are related to graphics. Some of the obvious issues with this are are its scale, the font, and the bluriness of the bmp export. It was create in about 10 minutes using InkScape.

Hopefully one day we, as a group, will look back at my original sketch and reflect on it along with telling war stories about the hard work and great accomplishments we acheived over the years. Who knows, maybe our own kids and their kids will be able to laugh when they see it in the archives.