The Latest News

It has been a while since we posted an update but that’s because we have been busy. Here is the latest on the organization.

  1. We found a temporary place to start meeting weekly. It’s a large garage owned by one of our members. This will allow us to start working on projects and hopefully attract a few new members. We plan to start holding weekly meetings to work on our projects starting next week. Get in touch with us via IRC or the Forums if you would like to hang out with us.
  2. We have decided that our first project is going to be to build a CNC Machine capable of creating circuit boards. We are currently in the design phase and the design discussion can be tracked on our forums project board.
  3. [***FINALLY***] This is the most exciting news. We are now officially incorporated with the State of Maryland Department of Taxation as a non-stock corporation. You can look for your self at and searching for Harford Hackerspace. This means that we can setup a bank account and start collecting membership dues. Not being incorporated has been a big setback for us but we pushed through it and are ready to move full speed ahead.