Weekly Meetings Moved to Wednesday

If you have been following our progress and have not been able to make our Thursday meetings then maybe Wednesday will work for you. Starting on August 12th 2009 our weekly meetings will be moving to Wednesday nights at 7pm. Contact info@harfordhackerspace.org.

Unfortunately, all the photos I took of our CNC Build over the last two weeks were currupted. Hopefully, I will get some photos this week for your enjoyment. It’s coming along nicely. We have added black paint which looks really nice with all the aluminum on it. We have started the y-axis by adding the y-bracket, y-rails, and y-bearings. We have also designed remaining components and are waiting for them to be cut.

Also, we have tested the X-Axis, Motor Controller, and Mach3 Software and all in working well.

Monthly Members Meeting

Upcoming Event

Guest Nick Farr from HacDC will be joining us at our next monthly members meeting to help us knock out some of the ugly business stuff and discuss collaborative efforts between Harford Hackerspace and HacDC. Also, it now looks like members from Baltimore Node will be joining us as well.

This will be a two part meeting with the first half being all about business and taking care of important paperwork. New member can feel free to come late to skip the boring stuff.

When: Saturday, July 11th 2009
Time: 2pm – Whenever
Location: Baltimore, 21206 – E-Mail info@harfordhackerspace.org for an address

The meeting agenda can be found on our wiki. Feel free to add to it.

Monthly meetings starting June 7th @ 6pm

Upcoming Event

Last night’s IRC meeting was a success and now we are getting organized. On Sunday – June 7th @ 6pm we are going to start holding monthly meetings with each meeting being the first Sunday of every month.

Date/Time: Sunday – June 7th, 2009 @ 6pm
Location: Grind on Cafe @ 4607 Harford Rd, Baltimore 21214 (www.grindoncafe.com)

Also, from now on every Tuesday night at 8pm is IRC chat night. Visit us on the Freenode server @ #harfordhackerspace.

RobotFest 2009, Thank You!

RobotFest was very cool!  Our table got way more attention than we ever expected. I would like to send a special thanks to our members who helped make this event go smooth. Jason did an excellent job on the banner and business card design. Chris really impressed the audiance with his CNC Machine. Miles brought his battle bots and custom (not reprap) rapid prototyper. We would like to send a special thanks to the HacDC group for offering to take us under their wings and help us through all the tough parts of getting a organization like this started. We will surely be taking them up on their offer. Finally, thanks to Brian Dolge for loaning us his Drawdio and Brain Machine to display at our table.

Several of our guest were interested in our members personal sites. For links to those sites please visit http://wiki.harfordhackerspace.org and click on the Members link. Chis’s page is now up there and Mile’s page should be up very soon.

Check out some really bad pictures of us as we were doing our thing at RobotFest 2009.