We would love for you to join us
We would love for you to join us

Help support Baltimore Hackerspace by becoming a member!

We would love to have you as a member of Baltimore Hackerspace. We gladly accept new members including amateurs, professionals, makers, hackers, software developers, electronics engineers, and mechanical engineers. We strive to have a diverse group of individuals who enjoy learning about science and technology in an environment which promotes social interaction and the creation of awesome projects and have access to useful tools.

Monthly Donations

We are a non-profit funded organization funded by the community — which means your contributions are important in order for us to keep our doors open.  We have setup several suggested levels of membership to provide flexibility for your needs. Thank you for your support!

Join now!



  • Level 1 - $40
    • Full Membership Rights
    • 24/7 Accessplus
  • Level 2 – $50
    • 24/7 Accessplus
    • 2 On-Site Storage Bins
    • Access to Microchip XC8 Compiler (On-Premise License)
    • Complimentary MPLAB Xpress Development Boardstar
    • Access to Solidworks Premium (On-Premise License)
  • Level 3 – $75
    • 24/7 Access plus
    • On-site Reserved Storage Shelf
    • Floor Storage (requires officers permission)
    • Cool Baltimore Hackerspace T-Shirt star
    • Access to Microchip XC8 Compiler (On-Premise License)
    • Complimentary MPLAB Xpress Development Boardstar
    • Access to Solidworks Premium (On-Premise License)
  • Corporate Sponsor – $150
    • 24/7 Access for 5 people plus
    • Company Logo on our Website
    • Cool Baltimore Hackerspace T-Shirt star, and knowing you are really awesome! finished-work
    • Access to Microchip XC8 Compiler (On-Premise License)
    • Complimentary MPLAB Xpress Development Boardstar
    • Access to Solidworks Premium (On-Premise License)
We are a member-funded organization and while we do not mandate a regular donation to keep members’ status, the above suggested monthly amounts are calculated to help us keep serving the maker community.
star Subject to availability
plus Access will be granted after your membership application is completed and payment has been made.
donate These levels are recommendations, If you would like to make a different donation please contact one of the officers.

paypal Payments

We prefer PayPal subscriptions. You can set up a subscription below. Paypal payments makes our accounting process simpler, we do understand some people have issues with PayPal — if you need to use something different, please contact a charter member.  Thank you for your support!

Pay in advance

Some people prefer to just pay in advance, we don’t mind that!  Just drop us a line if you wish to pay in advance.


Ok I’m paid up, what now ?

Well hopefully you’ve met some of the regular members at this time.  If you haven’t, please join our mailing list and introduce yourself.  If you are planning on visiting the facility for the first time, please make sure you ask for a charter member to show you around.  You are also required to review our policies (Hollaback Pledge and Harassment Policy) and we have a few forms for you to fill out — don’t worry it will only take a few minutes.


Can I bring a friend or family member with me?

Yes, you may absolutely bring a friend or helper to our Space to show them around or assist you with a project!

With that in mind, please remember that Baltimore Hackerspace contains tools, materials, and equipment that may be hazardous to attendees.  You should only bring guests if they conduct themselves safely and respectfully around other people, other projects, and around dangerous tools.  You are responsible for the safety and well-being of any guests you bring, and their conduct/cleanliness will have consequences on your relationship with Baltimore Hackerspace as if it were your own.  If any of your guests are minors, they must be under your immediate supervision the entire time you are at the space.  Actions otherwise will be interpreted as endangerment of minors and will result in your immediate ban from our premises and termination of any applicable membership.


…Actually I would like to hang out first before I sign up

Sure!  Check our event schedule or our meetup page for the next open hack night.  If you can’t make any of those nights, please contact us and we’ll see if we can make some arrangements to show you around.

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